Protecting the Planet

  • 2020 saw a change in mindset on the importance of environment with 55% of global consumers stating in April that they were more concerned about the environment due to the Coronavirus. 
  • Change in air quality during lockdown emphatically demonstrated the power of collective action
  • The figure increased to 62% by July 2020, an increase in 7%. 
  • A 2020 global survey by management consultancy firm Accenture said that consumers "have dramatically evolved", and that 60% were reporting making more environmentally friendly, sustainable, or ethical purchases since the start of the pandemic. Accenture added that nine out of 10 of that percentage said were likely to continue doing so.
  • Meanwhile, a study by research group Kantar said that since Covid-19 sustainability was more of a concern for consumers than before the outbreak. And 65% of global respondents told a survey by pollsters Ipsos Mori "that it is important that climate change is prioritised in the economic recovery after coronavirus".
  • Staycations are expected to boom in 2021 after lockdown ends, UK holiday firms have said
  • Billionaire's rewilding vision is to allow native woodland and species to regenerate and flourish
  • New sustainable fashion has been inspired by the wonders of the natural world 


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English Heritage

The Tusk Trust